
I extend my thanks to you on behalf of him感谢你的热情招待英语翻译, thanks for your enthusiatic invitationI will deliver forward what you have delivered感谢你的热情招待英语翻译;Li Hua ,thank you for your hospitalityI#39m very satisfied;Thanks for your hospitality, we have returned China Welcome you to China 。

Dear Peter,I am writing this letter to thank you for your warm accommodation and company during my visit at SF I wish to visit there again when it is getting warmer Please also help send my gratitude;sincerely treasure your friendship非常感谢你邀请我和你一起过周末我正需要有这么几天轻闲感谢你的热情招待英语翻译的时间谢谢你对我的诚意 ,慷慨,让我觉得在你家中我很受欢迎我将永远不会忘记你的热情款待,更会真诚地珍惜你的友谊;而和你们的谈话让我感到愉快同时也受益匪浅最重要的是 ,你妻子的厨艺太美妙了,我觉得她是个美食家我这几年来真的从为吃过这么美味的饭菜感谢你你的热忱招待,那晚我过得很愉快;英语谢谢主要有5种说法“谢谢你”的英语有Thank youThanksThanks a lotThanks to yougrateful for you 1Thank you 例句I should thank you rather than you thank me!译文我应该感谢你 ,而不是你来。

回答These few days I had a very good time in Beijing Thank you so much for all your cordial hospitality 感觉In Beijing these days有点别扭 ,换下位置会顺一些,These days in Beijing;I am grateful to you for your warm hospitality I had a lot fun on my journy I have visited many places of interests根据你的原文,翻译如上 ,可以较贴切的表达你要的意思其实表达方式有很多种,可以自己;整句翻译Contents of the letter of thanks for her in Paris during the warm reception, told her to Paris left a good impression on you , you love to visit factories in France learned a lot after sch。

Thanks for your warm receptionentertainmenttreat, and I#39ve spent a happy weekend以上几个名词receptionentertainmenttreat,不知道楼主学过哪个 ,仅供选择参考资料原创回答团第159号团员;是一个意思,只不过de是黑人的俚语,de=the ,dat=that,另外黑人俚语里结尾以er结尾的都可以替换成a,o也可以替换成u ,motherf**ker=muthaf**ka ,以ing结尾的,g也可以替换#39;而且我觉得很舒服,这是我数月来都没有感受到得舒适请把我的问候带给女仆贝斯提Betsy ,我非常感激她的服务另外,非常感谢你和泊Paul的热情邀请此致,雷蒙Raymond如有疑问 ,欢迎追问请采纳;I am returned to China now, thank you so much for treating me well in the states 朋友式 I have just arrived to China, and I appriciated your kind hospitality during the time i spent in America办公式;非常感谢你在我拜访你工厂期间的热情招待 ,我祝愿我们将来能一起愉快的合作请让我们知道,你什么时候能将我们在会面时留下产品的报价单发给我们,如果你不确定布匹或材料花费具体翻译不确定 ,请引用CMT的价格,因为在 。

greatly to my convenience and pleasure of the whole tripThank you again for your kindness and I hope that I will have the opportunity to return your charming hospitalityYours faithfully,你的英文名。