
1 、预订机票情景对话一AExcuse me买机票的英语对话 ,MissA小姐买机票的英语对话,打扎一下BWhat can I do for you买机票的英语对话?B有事吗?AI#39ve just heard an announcement that my flight has been delayedA买机票的英语对话我刚听到广播,我乘坐的航班延误了BWha。

2、关于订票的英语对话一 A Good morning Can I help you?A您早 ,能为您做些什么?B Good morning I#39d like to make a reservation to Guangzhou for August 2B早,我想订一张8月2日去广州的机票A Ju 。

3、一订机票 1 I#39d like to make a plane reservation toShanghai,China我想预定一个去中国上海的机位2 I#39ll need an economy ticket我需要一张经济舱的机票3 What#39s the fare please?请问票价是多少。

4 、关于旅游订票英语对话2 A Good morning Can I help you?A您早 ,能为您做些什么?B Good morning I#39d like to make a reservation to Guangzhou for August 2B早,我想订一张8月2日去广州的机票A。

5、我想订头等舱的机票多少钱?AOne way is $176单程是176美元BOk i will take the 930 flight on Tuesday好的 我将订周二930的机票AA seat on Flight 807 to Boston 930 Tuesday morning is it 。

6、#英语口语# 导语 考 网Booking airline tickets 订飞机票 基本词汇fly 飞,飞行 Hong Kong 香港 economy 经济舱 prefer 更喜欢 to go economy 坐经济舱 主要句型I want to fly to Hong Kong on October。

7 、一日常英语口语对话订机票 A How to book a flight online?网上怎么订机票?B I have booked airline tickets online many times It was convenient买机票的英语对话!The best way is to go to a website like Travelocity or。

8、前台 Can I help you , sir?先生 ,您好彼得 Yes, I want to book a plane ticket from Beijing to Shanghai你好,我想订一张从北京到上海的机票前台 OK Which date?好的哪天的彼得 The day after 。

9、无 英语口语频道为大家整理的旅游英语口语大典预定机票 ,供大家参考Making a Plane Reservation 预定机票 Key Sentences重点句子804 Leisure Travel Agency May I help you这里是休闲旅行社要我帮忙吗805 I。

10 、dialog Aticket seller Cclient A good morning Sir, what can I do for you?C good morning, yes , I would like to book a flight ticket to xxxxxxA OK, just 1 second when would you like。

11 、A I want to fly to Hong Kong on October 30th我要在10月30日飞往香港B I will just see what there is我这就查一下有什么班机A I want to go economy, and I prefer the afternoon我想要经济舱 。

12、Here is my passport Here it is这是我的护照I will stay at Boston Hotel我将住在波士顿饭店What#39s the purpose of your visit?旅行的目的为何?Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan?是否有台湾回程机票 。

13、P是的 ,我叫XXX我原打算下周一做MF8331航班回厦门的,但是我们老板要我提早10天回去,我有没有可能把航班日期改到6月1日A好的 ,我查下电脑,您少等P好,谢谢A先生 ,你确定要改到6月1日吗P是。

14 、由两位数与三个英文字母的月份代号组成 ,EX06SEP 9月6日quot时间quot则为飞机当地起飞的时间Local Time为准 STATUS 订位状况 OK为订位完毕,RQ为候补状,NS则表示不占位子的机票 ,如婴儿机票 FARE BASIS 票价种类栏。

15、B好吧那就订UA1699次航班了ADo you want to travel first class or economy class?A头等舱还是经济舱?BEconomy classB经济舱AOkay How many tickets?A好的订几张?BTwo And single 。