
Along with the growth of the age, children and parents communicate less and less 。

There is a gap between us in this issue人随着年龄的增长英语翻译的年龄跟 人与人之间随着年龄的增长英语翻译的理解力不成正比 ,但随着年龄的增长反而使人更愚笨,有这的道理I wish the problems within you and family would be resloved asap。

With the growth of age,I have more and more interests in broadcasting。

As he grew older , he became more and more mature As he grew older , he became increasingly mature 。

As one ages 随着某某的年龄的增长,age也是一个动词,所以单独用age 就好随着年龄的增长英语翻译了one 指某某 ,第三人称单数,所以要在动词后加s或As we age 随着随着年龄的增长英语翻译我们年龄的增长,we 是复数 ,动词后不用加s3无论你住哪里 wherever you 。

As he is getting old,little Tom comes to realize the importance of study。

随着时间快速流逝,人与人之间可能会产生某些误解人对于某些意见有分歧 ,可以说 There is a gap between us in this issue人的年龄跟 人与人之间的理解力不成正比,但随着年龄的增长反而使人更愚笨,有这的道理。