
在电话里交谈用英语可以说 quotSpeaking on the phone in Englishquot在电话上交谈英语翻译,或者简单说 quotSpeaking English on the phonequot同时 ,当在电话上交谈英语翻译你接听电话时你可以说 quotHello?quot 或 quotHi , this is 你在电话上交谈英语翻译的名字quot 来接听电话在结束通话时,你 。

打电话英语情景对话带翻译三 John Hello? Can I speak to Mr Smith?喂?能请史密斯先生听电话吗?Girl I#39m sorry, but he#39s out now May I take a message?抱歉 ,他现在不在要我传话吗?John Yes Th 。

talk on the phone on 以方式,通过 Did you hear it on the radio?你是从收音机听到这消息的吗。

问题三用英语编一篇打电话的对话要求简单并翻译 ZHello,may I speak to L?喂 ,L在吗 LThis is L,who#39s speaking?我就是,你是哪位 ZThis is Z ,I#39m wondering if we could go to the movies。

talk speak 类似的都可以,主要还是看你想怎么说,具体情境如何 。