
预订酒店英语对话稿一 SceneThe telephone in Swan House ringsA captainc answers the call场景在天鹅宾馆电话响订酒店英语情景对话大学了一个领班在接电话CGood morningThe Swan HouseLi Ming speakingMay I help you订酒店英语情景对话大学?早 。

英语预定客房的情景对话范文如下Guest Hello订酒店英语情景对话大学 , is that Jinjiang Hotel? 你好,是锦江大酒店吗 Operator Hello, this is the switchboard operator of the hotel What can I do for you? 您好 ,我是酒店总机接线员。

打电话订酒店的英语对话1 SceneThe telephone rings The Reservations R answers the phoneR Reservations May I help you?ClientC Yes The American Peopletopeople Education Delegation will be visiti。

RDouble A ,R,O,N Thank you ,Mr Johnson May I have your arrival time on April 16th?两个 A,R,O ,N谢谢您,约翰逊先生请问您 4 月 16 日大概什么时候到酒店?GAround 9 pm大约晚上 9 点 。

入住酒店英语情景对话一 AReceptionistthe waitress BGuestA Good afternoon Welcome to Qingdao Seaview Garden Hotel Can I help you, sir?B Well , Irsquom~~~ from ``` Irsquod like to 。

AThank you Welcome to our hotel againA谢谢欢迎再来酒店预订客房英语对话ReservationistR Good afternoon What can I do for you?下午好,我能帮您什么吗?Client C Good afternoon Irsquo。

A Hello,this is QuaCheng hotel ,is there anything I can help you,sir?你好,这里是泉城大酒店 ,请问您需要什么服务 B Yes , I#39d like to book a room我需要预订一间房 A Sure,we have different type of rooms。

客房预订的英语对话篇1 A Good morning This is Room Reservations May I help you, sir?B Yes , I#39d like to reserve a roomA Thank you, sir For which date?B From October 15thA For how many 。

1have you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at the hotel dining room,mrgreen?格林先生 ,今天早晨您是否用过旅馆服务设施,或在旅馆餐厅用过早餐? 2yes,my friend and i just had breakfast at the dini。

Reserving a room by phone Front Desk Royal Hotel , can I help you?Tom Yes I urgently need a room for tomorrow night, and do you have any vacancies?Front Desk Yes, we have What kind of room。

如何用英语打电话订房情景对话篇CGood morning , this is the Front DeskMay i help you,sir?早上好,这是前台需要我帮忙吗 ,先生?Gyes ,i#39dlike to reserve a room是的,我想要订个房间 CThank you,Sir 。

A Hello ,this is the the Grand View Hotel what can I do for you? 您好,这里是深圳景轩酒店,很乐意为您服务B I’d like to make a reservation in your hotel 我想在你的酒店预定房间 A。

Guest Hello , I’d like to check in please 你好,我想入住贵酒店Hotel staff Certainly Can I have the name please? 当然可以,能把姓名给我吗Guest Mr Harold Smith Harold Smith先生Hotel staff Ok。

英语对话课教学要以培养学生语言交际能力为目的 ,注重丰富的情景设计,学习实用易学的句型表达我整理订酒店英语情景对话大学了酒店办理入住英语对话,欢迎阅读订酒店英语情景对话大学!酒店办理入住英语对话一 RGood afternoonWelcome to the Yunshan HotelMay i help y 。

我从美国打的电话我在我来之前想先订个酒店RYes ,madamHow can i help you?是的,夫人,我怎样帮你呢?GThe first thing i want to know is how far the hotel is from the airport第一 ,我想知道从。

酒店办理入住英语对话AWe reserved a double room for you甲我们为您预订了一间双人房BMay I have a look at the room?乙我可以看一下房间吗?ACertainly Your room is on the sixth floor甲当然。