
餐厅点菜情景英文对话篇1 a waiter英语买菜的情景对话, a table for two英语买菜的情景对话, please服务生 ,请给我一张两人的桌子b yes, this way please好的,请跟我来a can we see the menu , please?能让我们看一看菜单吗?b here you;#英语口语# 导语英语已经成为工作和生活中重要的一部分,购物也是我们平常的一个重要生活场景所以学习一些购物英语口语也是很重要的以下是 考 网整理的购物英语口语的情景对话,欢迎阅读 1购物英语口语的情景。

英语口语 是被外国人民普遍应用的口头交流语言形式英语口语灵活多变 ,多因场合与发言者不同而被自由使用下面我给大家带来购物常用的英语口语情景对话 购物常用的英语口语情景对话1 A Good morning! What can I do for you? 早;篇一英语点餐关于配菜的情景口语对话 Would you like an appetizer?需要开胃小吃吗What kind of bread?什么面包Would you like anything on it?里面放些什么And a salad?还要沙拉吗We have three dressings 。

buy vegetables例句她有时在下班后去市场买菜She sometimes goes to the market to buy vegetables after work买菜造句1一天小李上街买菜,正巧碰见二舅,急忙问到“二菜啊 ,买舅呢”二舅不高兴英语买菜的情景对话了“这么。


1、给你推荐一个,带翻译的,里面的词汇难度大的话你可以换一些你知道的哟 ,希望有帮到你ACan I help you ,madamA女士,您需要什么吗BYes I#39d like to buy some presents for my friendsB是的,我想。

2 、一 Waiter Can I take your order now ,madam?您现在可以点菜英语买菜的情景对话了吗,太太?MayYes What would you remend?是的你推荐什么?Waiter I am happy to remend the fish我很乐意向您推荐鱼MayIt tastes delicious 。

3、1ALucy, where are you going? 露西 ,你去哪儿?BI want to go to the supermarket 我想去超级市场AWait a few minutes and I#39ll go there with you 请等一下,我和你一道去BLet#39s get a。

4、关于点餐英语情景对话篇一 AWhat Can I get you?您需要点什么?BI#39 ll have a Cosmo please我要一杯卡兹莫酒CDude! You can#39 t order a Cosmo! That#39 s a ladies drink, you#39 re embarrasing。

5 、甲乙hello may i help you ?ok ,thank you!i need some applesyou know ,apple is good for us ,we need to eat everyday green one? or the ripe one?eni prefer the ripe one ok!how do you think 。

6、I jolly afternoon , a meal for the family to do simple and delicious meals 或者Afternoon i visited my family, to make a simple and good food。

7、楼上的,你们英文读的慢到什么程度了啊 ,这点怎么读3分钟啊这个是断买围巾的谈话过程 ,英文原版这个网址有整个谈话过程,还能发音呢!Karen walks into a boutiqueShe wants to buy a scarfSales AssocHi,are you。


超市 购物英语 对话1 顾客We need to buy some beer too Where is the beer?我们想要购买一些啤酒 ,哪里有啤酒?顾客Excuse me Do you sell vegetables here?请问你们卖蔬菜吗?店员Yes, we do They#39re 。

布莱克夫人排队进店,然后又站队去买菜We marketed for a special Sunday dinner我们为星期天的特别晚餐买了一些菜 What shall I buy for today#39s menu?今天我该买些什么菜Jane Did you also get ground pork。

我和妈妈去买菜 ,供大家参考This morning,I got up early to go to the market with my motherMother said that I have grown up and I must learn to cookBuying foods in the market is the first step。

What#39s the price for chicken chest? Is shrimp in season at this moment? How much is the celery? The broccoli isn#39t fresh at all The seafood is too expensive What par 。

点餐英语情景对话20句如下1Are you ready to order now, sir?先生 ,您想现在点菜吗?2Yes是的3Would you like an appetizer?您要点什么开胃的东西吗?4Yes I#39d like a crab cocktail对,我要一个鲜 。