
几个小时英语为several hours相似短语in several 分别地几个小时英语翻译, 各个地 several years 好几年 several searchers 多个搜索者 several issues 法 几个争执点 several libility 法 多数的债几个小时英语翻译, 分别债务 , 分担的债 sever。

several hours in a row i#39ve waited here for several hours in a row但是这样翻译略显生硬,因为当提到“几个小时”a few hoursseveral hours的时候,一般都是指连续的所以个人观点 ,“连续”可不译出 。

不到5个小时less than five hours almost five hours 刚好5个小时just five hours 5个小时多一点over five hours almost five hours 不知道你提问的是不是这个意思,但还是希望对你能有所帮助。

不是,spend用法spend+时间金钱+doing sth spend+时间金钱+on sth i spent a few hours going shopping。

1two and a half hours 2two hours and a half 325 hours 二楼用的quarter的那两个表达不对 ,那指的是2点半钟,不是两个半小时 。

三个小时后翻译成英文three hours later,在句子里面作时间状语。

How many hours are there in a day?请采纳。

Three and a half hours三个半小时然而 ,新型药物“Xyrem ”可以让克莱尔处于深度睡眠,连续睡上三个半小时,所以在半夜她要再吃上一次药 ,保证自己可以有7个小时的深度睡眠However , the new drug, Xyrem puts Claire 。

after overmore than twenty years#39 struggle after more than ten hours#39 flight 或者用 dozen 一词,原以为“一打 ,十二个”,也可表示十来个 after two dozen years#39 struggle after a dozen hours#39 flight 最。

他们已经谈了几个小时了1 They have talked chatted for several hours,haven#39t they ?2 They have been talking chatting for several hours ,haven#39t they 。

一个小时用英语表示an hour an 用在首音节是元音的单词前,hour的第一个音节是单元音,所以用anhour英 #712a#650#601r 美 a#650r n小时 ,钟头时间,时刻固定时间课时 例句I 。