
往返机票的英文说法是return ticket和roundtrip ticket一return ticket 1释义 来回票往返票回程票双程票返程票2读音 英 r#618#712t#604#720n #712t#618k#618t往返机票英语对话 ,美 r;预订机票英语口语对话1 Traveler Good aftemoon,what flights do you have from London to Paris?游客下午好,从伦敦到巴黎都有哪些航班?Officer We have two direct flightsWould you like a moming one or an。

关于订票的英语对话一 A Good morning Can I help you?A您早 ,能为您做些什么?B Good morning I#39d like to make a reservation to Guangzhou for August 2B早,我想订一张8月2日去广州的机票A;往返机票roundtrip ticket 单程机票 onesingleway ticket 其往返机票英语对话他一些在飞机上使用的英语如下在飞机上使用一些简短实用的语言有助于快速解决一些实际问题1 出示登机证给服务人员我的座位在哪里? Where is my seat?2 。

Excuse me, are there any luggage carts around here?请问这里有行李车吗Excuse me , where can I claim luggage from CA978?请问CA978航班的行李在哪里取I#39m a transit passenger for this flight Can you tell;aOK ,I check the computerjust a momentpok,thank youasir ,are you sure change fligt date to 1junp yes ,of courseaasir ,that#39s ok,I HELP YOU CHANG FILGHT TO 1JUN ,YOU MUST。

关于旅游订票英语对话2 A Good morning Can I help you?A您早,能为您做些什么?B Good morning I#39d like to make a reservation to Guangzhou for August 2B早,我想订一张8月2日去广州的机票A;前台 Can I help you , sir?先生,您好彼得 Yes, I want to book a plane ticket from Beijing to Shanghai往返机票英语对话你好 ,我想订一张从北京到上海的机票前台 OK Which date?好的哪天的彼得 The day after。

预订机票情景对话一AExcuse me,MissA小姐,打扎一下BWhat can I do for you?B有事吗?AI#39ve just heard an announcement that my flight has been delayedA我刚听到广播 ,我乘坐的航班延误往返机票英语对话了BWha 。


1、一订机票 1 I#39d like to make a plane reservation toShanghai ,China我想预定一个去中国上海的机位2 I#39ll need an economy ticket我需要一张经济舱的机票3 What#39s the fare please?请问票价是多少。

2 、Step 6查看回程机票 Can you confirm your return ticket?可以查看你的回程机票吗回答Yes, I will return on July 15th我将会在七月十五号离开,并将回程机票给海关看Return ticket 回程机票 Step 7货币 How much。

3、是的 ,我想订一张下周飞往波斯顿的机票AWhen do you want to fly?您想何时去?BMonday ,september 12周一九月12日AWe have Fliight 802 on monday just a moment pleaseLet me check whether there#39re 。

4、常用的旅游英语对话2 AReservation CentreChina Airlines Can I help you?A中国航空公司订座中心能帮您吗?BYes Irsquom coming to confirm my ticketB是的,我来电确认我的机票AMay I have you 。

5 、太好了请给我预订一张下周二到伦敦的机票售票员 All right Which class do you want?行您要什么舱位的?拉里 I want an economy class open return , please我要经济舱往返票日期不限售票员 Ok好的拉。

6、A I want to fly to Hong Kong on October 30th我要在10月30日飞往香港B I will just see what there is我这就查一下有什么班机A I want to go economy, and I prefer the afternoon我想要经济舱。


你好,这句话可以翻译成 我想要预定一次性往返旅游reserve 预定 a round trip 一次性往返旅游 谢谢提问 ,望采纳 。

一日常英语口语对话订机票 A How to book a flight online?网上怎么订机票?B I have booked airline tickets online many times It was convenient!The best way is to go to a website like Travelocity or。