
预订机票情景对话一AExcuse me询问机票英语对话,MissA小姐 ,打扎一下BWhat can I do for you?B有事吗?AI#39ve just heard an announcement that my flight has been delayedA我刚听到广播,我乘坐询问机票英语对话的航班延误询问机票英语对话了BWha。

1 I#39d like to make a plane reservation toShanghai,China我想预定一个去中国上海的机位2 I#39ll need an economy ticket我需要一张经济舱的机票3 What#39s the fare please?请问票价是多少?4 Is my。

关于订票的英语对话一 A Good morning Can I help you?A您早 ,能为您做些什么?B Good morning I#39d like to make a reservation to Guangzhou for August 2B早,我想订一张8月2日去广州的机票A Ju 。

BYes, I#39d like to make a reservation to Boston next week是的 ,我想订一张下周飞往波斯顿的机票AWhen do you want to fly?您想何时去?BMonday ,september 12周一九月12日AWe have Fliight 802 on。

如果网上购票,在柜台办理取票 ,工作人员可能还会询问询问机票英语对话你的电子机票确认号 ticket confirmation number三 Would you like a window or aisle seat?你想要靠窗座位还是靠过道的座位aisle seat 靠过道座位 window seat。

关于旅游订票英语对话2 A Good morning Can I help you?A您早,能为您做些什么?B Good morning I#39d like to make a reservation to Guangzhou for August 2B早,我想订一张8月2日去广州的机票A 。

办理登机情景对话一AGood morning Your ticket and passport ,pleaseA上午好请出示机票和护照BHere you areB给你AThanks Would you put your baggage here? I#39ll check it throughA多谢请把您。

前台 Can I help you , sir?先生,您好彼得 Yes, I want to book a plane ticket from Beijing to Shanghai你好 ,我想订一张从北京到上海的机票前台 OK Which date?好的哪天的彼得 The day after。

一日常英语口语对话订机票 A How to book a flight online?网上怎么订机票?B I have booked airline tickets online many times It was convenient!The best way is to go to a website like Travelocity or 。

补充情景对话A I’d like to book a flight to Beijing for Thursday the 25th我要订一张25号星期四去北京的飞机票B I’ll have a look in the timetable for you我就替你查一下时刻表A I’ll。

飞机flightairplaneplane 定book 票ticket,那机票就是air ticket 可是你不能照搬上去啊,Would you like to book air tickets? 而不是说book plane飞机ticket票可以说Would you like to book a。

由两位数与三个英文字母的月份代号组成 ,EX06SEP 9月6日quot时间quot则为飞机当地起飞的时间Local Time为准 STATUS 订位状况 OK为订位完毕,RQ为候补状,NS则表示不占位子的机票  ,如婴儿机票 FARE BASIS 票价种类栏 。

When are you going to come to China? What#39s your flight no? What#39s the estimated arrival time of your flight? Do you need us to pick you up at the airport。

A I want to fly to Hong Kong on October 30th我要在10月30日飞往香港B I will just see what there is我这就查一下有什么班机A I want to go economy, and I prefer the afternoon我想要经济舱。

P Would you please open your bag?H OK I just have a couple of little gifts insideP What#39s the total value of the gifts, please?H Not more than the dutyfree allowance Two books , a carton 。

AHELLO,MAY I HELP YOUPOH YES,PLEASEMY NAME IS XXX I planned to return to xiamen next monday via mf 8311 but my boss wants me to return ten days earlier Is is possible for me to 。

在初中英语对话教学过程中 ,如何合理地处理对话材料 ,提高学生的英语综合技能,是每一位英语教师应该思考的问题我整理了,欢迎阅读!一 Next , please麻烦下一位Here are our passports and tickets这是我们的护照和机票L。