
三人用英语订酒店的对话如下酒店Hello,this is hotel ,is there anything I can help you,sir英语订酒店情景对话三人英语订酒店情景对话三人你好,这里是酒店 ,请问您需要什么服务?客人Yes , I#39d like to reseve a room好的,我需要预订一间房酒店;AHello!this is speaking What can i do for you?bHello,i want to book a room aok ,the date please bFeb3 to Feb6 aWaite a moment please Ok Feb3 to Feb6 4 days Your name please。


1 、预订酒店英语对话稿一 SceneThe telephone in Swan House ringsA captainc answers the call场景在天鹅宾馆电话响了一个领班在接电话CGood morningThe Swan HouseLi Ming speakingMay I help you?早 。

2、英语预定客房的情景对话范文如下Guest Hello, is that Jinjiang Hotel? 你好,是锦江大酒店吗 Operator Hello , this is the switchboard operator of the hotel What can I do for you? 您好,我是酒店总机接线员。

3、出门在外,住是一个大问题 ,要是去到国外旅游怎么用英语去预定酒店入住酒店呢?下面是酒店英语口语情景对话,一起来了解下吧酒店英语口语情景对话RGood afternoon,Sir and MadamMay I help you?下午好 ,先生夫人。

4 、Benjamin , Todd Long time no seeTodd Nice to see you here Oh, ts is my wife Lena Lena , ts is BenjaminLena Nice to see youBenjamin Nice to see you too I#39ve made a reservation for 。

5 、情景对话Situational Dialogue是基础英语教学中极为常用的一种描述Presentation和练习Practice方式我整理了入住酒店的英语对话 ,欢迎阅读!入住酒店的英语对话篇一 AHi, Todd Long time no see嗨,托德 ,好久不 。

6、A Hello ,this is the the Grand View Hotel what can I do for you? 您好,这里是深圳景轩酒店 ,很乐意为您服务B I’d like to make a reservation in your hotel 我想在你的酒店预定房间 A。


1、打电话订酒店的英语对话2 CGood morning, this is the Front DeskMay i help you,sir?早上好 ,这是前台需要我帮忙吗,先生?Gyes,i#39dlike to reserve a room是的 ,我想要订个房间 CThank you,SirFor。

2 、在小学英语教学中,教师不仅要教会学生对话的内容 ,还要将对话的技巧教授给学生 ,这样学生才能够更好地学习英语对话,提升英语成绩我整理了关于酒店情景英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于酒店情景英语对话一 Dealing with leaving Procedure 。

3、前台 Can I help you , sir?先生,您好彼得 Yes, I want to book a plane ticket from Beijing to Shanghai你好 ,我想订一张从北京到上海的机票前台 OK Which date?好的哪天的彼得 The day after tomorro。

4、如何用英语打电话订房情景对话篇CGood morning, this is the Front DeskMay i help you,sir?早上好 ,这是前台需要我帮忙吗,先生?Gyes,i#39dlike to reserve a room是的 ,我想要订个房间 CThank you,Sir。

5 、入住酒店英语情景对话一 AReceptionistthe waitress BGuestA Good afternoon Welcome to Qingdao Seaview Garden Hotel Can I help you, sir?B Well , Irsquom~~~ from ``` Irsquod like to 。

6、1have you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at the hotel dining room ,mrgreen?格林先生,今天早晨您是否用过旅馆服务设施,或在旅馆餐厅用过早餐? 2yes ,my friend and i just had breakfast at the dini。

7、关于订酒店的英语对话一 AAdvance ReservationsCan I help you?BYes,I#39d like to book a single room with a bath from the afternoon of October 4 to the morning of October 10A Yes, we do have a。