
1、二人英语情景对话1 AI#39m fed up with marriageA我对婚姻压倦透了BWhy do you say so? Everyone admires that youhave a good wifeB为什么?每个人都羡慕你有一个好妻子AOh英语二人情景对话, no When we were;2分钟二人英语对话篇一 Health and Fitness 运动健身 dialogue 1 A good afternoon英语二人情景对话 , madam How can I help you?下午好,女士有什么能为您效劳吗?S well, I am a little bit out of shape I think I should;两人简单英语情景对话1MaryLong time no see好久不见EdwardYeah英语二人情景对话! It#39s great running into you again是啊 ,又遇到你了,真高兴MaryWhat have you been up to recently? Pretty busy?最近怎么样,忙不忙;简单英语二人情景对话的两人英语情景对话时尚 A Do you think I still fashionable in this dress?B I think so Blue is still fashionable at the momentA This style came out last year , though I like the dress, but;随着经济的快速发展,全社会对英语人才的要求不断提高情景教学法是现代教学手段中的一种 ,在英语教学改革中发挥着很大作用我精心收集了适合两人的英语对话短文,供大家欣赏学习!适合两人的英语对话短文篇1 Marty Are y;英语对话教学是英语课堂教学的重要组成部分,在提升教师教学能力促进学生学习方面发挥着越来越重要的作用我整理了两人英语情景对话短文带翻译 ,欢迎阅读!两人英语情景对话短文带翻译一 拜访 对话 Steven#39s neighbour Jack co。

2 、AHello ,BLong time no seeHow are you?你好,B长时间不见了你怎么样BI am fine,thank you ,and you?我很好,谢谢你呢AI am fine,too我也很好BWhere have you been?I have not seen you;两人英语情景对话In a Western Clothing Store MARTIN Hello , I#39m Martin Learner I phoned this morning I want to speak to the managerMANAGER Good afternoon I#39m the managerMARTIN I#39m happy;篇二二人英语情景口语对话带翻译 A Why do you look so gloomy? What are you looking for?A你怎么看起来这么沮丧?在找什么呢?B My dissertation I put it somewhere last night and I can#39t find it;二人英语对话3分钟带中文一 Mog You like movies?梅格你喜欢看电影吗?Janna Yeah, I think it#39s the best way to relax是啊,我觉得看电影是最好的放松方式M Wbat type do you Iikc bcst?那你喜欢什么 。

3、二人英语小对话住宅与公寓 a we#39d like to rent a flat near the universityb are you looking for somewhere for two people?a yes , we are obviously, we#39d like something as cheap as possible we#39;两人英语情景对话短文篇1 M1OkayQuiet!Cameras, zoom in on CarlReady?Lights! Camera! ACTION!M2Elizabeth ,this is Matthew Jones Matthew,this is Elizabeth BergF1Hello,MrJones Nice to meet youM3H;Ahello ,What are you doing?你好你在干什么BNothing没什么 AAre you sad orbored?你是伤心或者无聊吗BNo ,I can’tfind my penI lose itI’m in a hurry Can you help me?我找不到我的笔了。

4、情景对话是英语学习中不可或缺的一个环节我精心收集了两人日常英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!两人日常英语对话1 Ann I want to have a holiday Could you give me some advice?我想去度个假,你能给我些建议吗?Lily;情景对话是英语教学内容中的一部分 ,趣味性的情景对话,不仅可以让学生迅速明确教学重点,也可以从学生的对话练习中 ,不断提高学生的英语口语表达能力我精心收集了简单的两人英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!简单的两人英语对话1 Cher;如今 学习英语 的人越来越多,用英语聊天似乎成了一种时尚下面是我给大家整理的简单英语2人情景对话 ,供大家参阅!简单英语2人对话likes and dislikes A do you like animals? I really like dogsB so do;一简单搞笑的英语两人情景对话 AHello, I#39m Ben May I ask you some questions?BSureAWhat is your father#39s name?BHappy!AThen, What is your mother#39s name?BSmile!AAre you joking?BNo! That;以培养和提高学生的英语综合水平作为最终目的 ,在进行英语教学中运用真实且自然的语境,不仅利于增强学生的学习热情度,还有利于形成学生在学习参与过程中处于主动积极的学习状态 ,培养学生的英语交际意识我整理了两人英语情景对话。