
He does not believe us any longer since he heard thathow long have you wait?about 2 hours;two hours and a half 祝你学习进步两个小时以前英语翻译 ,更上一层楼 *^__^*不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢;您好 ,答案是2for two of nothing希望办好祝你 。

two hours and a half two and a half hours 加油不明白再问如果帮到你,请及时采纳,谢谢;你好为你提供精确解答 翻译为sb spends 2 hours或者it takes sb 2 hours谢谢 ,不懂可追问~~~;The book you read how long? I have read 2 hours , but didn#39t finish。

翻译英语Before we reached the top of the mountain, we walked for another two hours重点词汇为1到达reach arrive get to come fetch例句两个小时以前英语翻译他们昨天到达北京They arrived in Beijing yesterday2;AI havehad a large garden that takestook me two hours to drive aroundBYes, I used to have such a bad car as wellA里也没有曾经啊不需要过去式的;是和过去时一起用的如he told us he had gone to the butcher#39s two hours ago而你这句话只是说两个小时前去的 ,所以用一般过去时就可以了即I went to the butcher#39s two hours ago 就足够了;两小时车程翻译成英文是two hours#39 drive away 双语例句 A tiny log cabin two hours#39 drive away was the closest thing to the city I could afford 一所两小时车程的小木屋,是两个小时以前英语翻译我能买得起的离纽约城最近的;two hours hour代表小时 如果是一个小时用 an hour 两个小时用复数望采纳,谢谢 不懂的可以追问~;然后 ,在到达山顶之前,两个小时以前英语翻译我们又走了两个小时翻译英语Then, before reaching the top of the mountain , we walked for another two hours重点词汇 然后then and after that afterwards afterward到达reach;1 He has sat in front of a computer for three hours 2 he has played the computer for three hours 3 how long have you sat or lain in the steps 4 是可延续的,可以用。

过去式单词非常多,例如有was ,did,went,wrote ,got , liked,loved,came ,helped,cleaned等等,一般过去式的动词通常用动词的过去式形式来表示 ,而动词的过去式是在动词原形的基础上变化的规则动词般动词直接加ed, e;have you eaten?如果是熟人,而且语境比较明显 ,可以用更口语的形式,are you done?因为外国人见面不太问这样的问题yes what did you eat have rice when two hours ago 。