
1 、摘要用英文表达为digest或是abstract摘要英语翻译怎么写 ,读音为da#618#712d#658est摘要英语翻译怎么写,d#618#712d#658est,#712#230bstr#230kt重点词汇解释1digest vt 消化吸收融会贯通 vi 消化 n 文摘。

2、2基本要求准确清楚第二步摘要翻译 1摘要 Abstract第一行居中2语言结构语态一般为被动语态The research is consisted with five parts“本论文包括五个部分”时态目的用将来时The pu 。

3、digest n分类 , 摘要 abstract n摘要, 概要, 抽象 adj抽象的 , 深奥的, 理论的 vt摘要, 提炼 , 抽象化。

4 、问题一“摘要 ”用英文怎么说 digest a monthly news digest 每月新闻摘要 问题二“摘要”用英语怎么说 abstract 摘要 问题三英文摘要怎么翻译 Abstract Chopin is the great Poland musicians , and at the same。

5、summary,摘要就是重点总结一下的意思用那个词没错 。

6、20 century#39s ends, along with the computer science development , the data bank technology are more and more widespread in the Internet application, has provided thorougher and the user friendly service for the。

7 、如何写论文摘要的英文翻译仅供参考 论文摘要翻译成英文可以借助一些翻译软件,把英语的句子都输入进去就可以翻译摘要英语翻译怎么写了 ,但这样做的翻译不是很准确,建议找翻译网站 由于中国人的思维方式与西方英语国家的人有着明显的不。

8、The design of the package is a package of local cuisines Ermao chicken, chicken Ermao located in Handan quotEight Cuisines of local flavorquot of the first , and therefore, when the redesign of its packaging 。

9、With the rapid development of urbanization in our country, building energy consumption is increasing year by yearIn today#39s energy and environment problem is increasingly serious , the development and utilization of。

10 、你好翻译大部分为ABSTRACT With the improvement of people#39s living standards and material conditions, children#39s body shape is quite different from before On the other hand, China has a vast territory。

11 、The design for the Jinan area of a general office building air conditioning system , intends to whom the rational design of central air conditioning system for indoor staff , guests, etc to provide a comfortable 。

12、n recent years, with the growing of economic marketization and internationalization , our country to speed up the pace of the accounting system and tax system reform In February 2006, the ministry of finance 。

13、In the present highrise construction#39s guesthouse, the shearing force wall structure utilizes very much widely The castinplace reinforced concrete shearing force wall structure integrity is good , with the big。

14 、具体翻译如下The relationship between the accounting system and the tax law is a complicated problem In the course of the development of the market economy, the differences between the two will bring adverse。

15、Summary In today#39s rapidly growing economy tide, trade barriers increasingly serious impact on international trade TBT technical barriers to trade in the trunk tariff and non tariff barriers in international 。