
如有任何需要请随时与我联系英文是If there is any need , please contact me at any time重点词汇1任何any whatever whichever2需要need needs require want demand3随时at any time at all;如果有任何需要,可以随时联系我 翻译成英文是if you have any need ,please contact me anytime相关单词学习contact 英#712k#594nt#230kt 美#712kɑnt#230ktn 接触 触点;trying to contact you all day 我整天都在试着联系联系我英语翻译你contact 中文 , contact 中文意思, contact 中文的意思, contact 中文解释 , contact 意思 , contact 用法, contact 翻译, 联络 英文 , 联系 英文, 英文 contact;想知道我电话号码的人,联系我英语翻译你们就是在上联系我!用英文翻译这段话 Want to know my phone number , you are on to contact me 望采纳,谢谢 “这段话的中文翻译 ”的英文翻译 These words Chinese meaning 求;我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1联系可翻译为“contact”读作英#x02C8k#x0252nt#x00E6kt美#x02C8kɑnt#x00E6kt 2n接触 触点 医传染病接触人 门路 3vt使接触 与联系 与通讯或;“联系”可翻译为“contact ”contact 英#712k#594nt#230kt美#712kɑnt#230ktn接触 触点 医传染病接触人 门路vt使接触 与联系 与通讯或通话vi联系,接触 。

请联系我英语Please contact me请拼音qǐng ,汉语一级通用规范汉字常用字此字始见于战国文字,古字形从言青声“请”的本义指拜谒指下级对上级,晚辈对长辈拜见拜谒的目的常常是有所请求 ,故又;用with,楼上说的对;这句话的翻译是You can contact me 双语例句如果有问题你可以联系我,这是名片If there#39s any problem , here#39s my card我叫艾米 ,有什么事情,你可以联系我My name is Amy, what do , you can contact me;建议这样翻译If you should have any questionsquestion, please contact me without any hesitation注此 if 从句表示对将来动作的虚拟,should 在意思上可以理解为“万一”。

To all friends and relatives ,my name is XXXX,my mobile phone number has been changed to XXXX,brought to you the same understanding please ,free often contact;翻译吗不需要虚拟语态,这是真实条件句If you have any questions, don#x27t hesitate to let me know。

等我到美国联系我英语翻译了联系你 用英语怎么说 I will contact you when I arrive in USAquot等我回去后 ,再联系你 英语翻译下因为是直接引语,根据句意,要用 “将来 + 一般 ” 的时态1 I#39ll contact you on my return;I have taken over Amy#39s work now , please contact me directly in the future;If you want to make a friend with me , please contact me;拨打电话找我的英语是call me例句You can call me if you have time翻译如果你有时间的话可以打电话找我重点词汇 call 英 k#596#720l,美 k#596#720lvt 呼叫打电话把称为;We have not contacted each other quite a while Have you received the previous products? Are you satisfied with them? Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question;I am home now,when will you come 。