
他姓李,名雷 ,全名叫李雷 His family name is Li, given name Lei His full name is Li Lei。

My name is Li Lei, I am 12 years old I was riding a bicycle to school , my hobby is playing football 。

really try to make teaching an interesting and personally rewarding experience for my students while at the same time trying to have fun with what we are doing~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~。

My family There are three people in my familyThey are my father,mother and IWe all feel happy at homeWe love each otherMy father is a teacherHe is tall and thinHe looks younger than he。

我的名字叫李雷英语翻译我的名字叫李雷我的爱好是下棋这可是世界上最棒的游戏我七岁时我妈妈就教我怎样下棋第一年 ,她每次都赢我的名字叫李雷英语翻译了我但然后,在我八岁的那天生日,我第一次取得了胜利如今 ,我几乎能够一直打败她 。

我叫李雷 ,是一名初中生我十四岁了。