
我想吃面包英语翻译我想吃面包我想吃面包英语翻译,英语 I want to eat bread。

我饿我想吃面包英语翻译我想吃面包英语翻译,我想吃块面包的英文翻译是I#39m hungry I want to eat a piece of bread 。

英语i want to eat bread 我想吃面包英语翻译 ,egg and drink milk,juice 拼音ai wangt tu yite bulaide aige ande junke miuke jiusi 汉字爱王特 兔 意特 不来德爱个 安德 军可 缪可 就司。

I want to eat some bread and drink some milk 祝假期愉快,学习进步本题不明白 ,请再问如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢手机提问  ,请 点击 右上角“ 满意”按钮 ,谢谢。

What would you like to eat for breakfast?I want to eat bread 。

你想要吃什么,我想吃面包好的五元What do you want to eat?I want to eat breadOk It#39s 5 Yuan。

I#39d like to have some bread Where#39s the bread?面包 ,bread。

quotI#39d like to have bread for breakfast,do we have any at home?quotquotI#39d like to have bread for breakfast,is there any at home?quot公益慈善翻译团真诚为您解答 。

您好 ,领学网为您解答我喜欢吃面包I like to eat bread 重点词汇 喜欢like love enjoy be fond of 面包bread 望采纳。

早饭我想要些面包牛奶bread的基本意思是“面包 ”“蓬松烘饼” ,还可指“食物”“营养 ”,引申还可表示“生计”“谋生之道”“钱 ”bread是物质名词,表示单纯物质概念时 ,没有复数形式,如要表示数量,须在其前使用具有单。

I am so hungry that I want to have some pieces of bread不可数名词 ,可用piece,bar等修饰,表示数量 。

i feel hungy now  ,i want to eat more bread 求赞。

1I#39m hungry,mum,can you give me some bread? 2How many students are there in your class? 3Could you please give me that Tshirt? 4How muchch is it?采纳哦。

翻译成 我吃面包某人有某种东西 ,不用have 翻译成我有面包,这种就是典型的中式英语 。

Mom, I want to have some bread and milk tomorrow morning 。