
十六岁年龄在4到16岁之间英语翻译用range的英文翻译是Sixteen years old 重点词汇old 词语分析音标英 #601#650ld 美 o#650ldadj 年老的陈旧的年龄在4到16岁之间英语翻译用range,古老的 n 古时 短语old age 老年晚年 young and old 老老少少 例句。

range n 范围幅度排山脉 vi 在内变动平行年龄在4到16岁之间英语翻译用range ,列为一行延伸漫游射程达到 vt 漫游放牧使并列归类于来回走动 词组 wide range 宽波段的宽量程的 a wide range of 大范围的许 。

It is puzzled that the old couple were always quarrelling about little thingsThese exchange students come from everywhere , ranging from 14 to 18 。

As soon as he arrived in Australia, and former colleagues made contact Only when the blackout when we realize how important electricity isNo matter what kind of difficulties encountered, we never give up。

3In a few developing countries , some children without access to education 4his magazine bookstore prices from 5 to 15 US dollars range 5Do you think it is worthwhile spend so much time and money to。

12岁,既不是大人也不是小孩的年龄用英文怎么说?下面是我给大家整理的12岁的英文翻译,供大家参阅年龄在4到16岁之间英语翻译用range!12岁的英文翻译 At the age of 12 At the age of 12 的双语例句 1 At the age of 12 , he became a pious 。

2数词+years old或years of age这个也是用来表达一个人的具体年龄例如,“Lily is eighteen years old ”或者“Lily is eighteen years of age ”,意思是“Lily今年18岁”英语翻译技巧第一省略翻译法 这与最。

阿姆斯特丹非常有趣它有13的人口年龄介于18到30岁之间6时间上在之间 ,介于之间Ifsomethinghappensbetweenorinbetweentwotimesorevents。

A What#39s the age range of your target customers?B我们客户一般的年龄范围都在3040之间的B The ages of our customers are between 30 and 40 in general您好,是两句话哦,翻译如上供参考 ,不明白可继续 。

There are four years between us What is their age diferences ?The distance difference between A and C is 50 kilometres What is the distance difference between A and C?Does the chilly taste hot 。

“随着年龄增长” 用英语翻译过来是With increasing agewith的英式读法是w#618#240美式读法是w#618#240作介词意思有用随着包括和 一起increasing的英式读法是#618n#39kri#720s。

B人+be+数字+years old另外,表示年龄大约多少岁时,可用下列介词短语以50岁为例above 或over fifty 50多岁 below 或under fifty不到50岁 nearly fifty将近50岁 in one’s fifties 50多岁50 。