
1 、您好很感谢你的邀请英语翻译 ,翻译为Thank your invite 希望帮助几 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是很感谢你的邀请英语翻译? 评论 收起 k4u2nv 活跃答主 20151019 · 学虽不及五车很感谢你的邀请英语翻译,仍可对答如流 知道大有可为答主 回答量36万 采纳率92% 帮助的 。

2、thank you for the invitation 邀请是invitation,谢谢可以用thank you 或者thanks都可以。

3、Thanks for your invitation However , I am on the business trip now, it is unable to attend this training, also there is no other suitable person in our company , really sorry on this。

4 、Thanks for your invitation 你可以下个有道词典,这个很方便 。

5、I appreciate you very much for your accepting our invition,or we have to connect you by emails。

6、感谢你的邀请 Thank you for your invitation ~~~祝你学习进步 ,更上一层楼~如果你认可我的回答 ,请及时点击采纳为满意回答按钮~~手机提问者在客户端上评价点“采纳”即可~~~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~如还有新。

7 、Thank your for your invitation你可以下载一个有道词典,上面的翻译很多可也及时的帮到你 。

8、Thank you for the invitation 邀请是invitation,谢谢可以用thank you 或者thanks都可以。

9、Thanks very much for your invitation However , I may be unable to participate it because of my tight schedule It is a big pity for me Hope we could have more communication in the futureIf you have。

10 、First, I would like to thank you for your kind invitation 。

11 、thank you for your invitation ,i would like to visit youi certainly go therei am going to Beijing in the early of July See you soon in Beijing很感谢你的邀请英语翻译!不对别怪我 。

12、I extend my thanks to you on behalf of him , thanks for your enthusiatic invitationI will deliver forward what you have delivered。

13、Thanks for your invitation We look forward to meeting you in Beijing next year亲高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V望采纳,thx。

14 、Thanks for you to invite me to your party ,but i have no time to come 。

15、1非常感谢你来邀请我来吃饭 Thank you very much to invite gme to have a meal 2基于同样的原因,我也喜欢中国动作片的英语怎么说 According to the same reason, I also like Chinese movies 3总之 ,我热爱中国。

16、Thank you for the invitation, I will be happy to, thanks。