
Good afternoon Peace Restaurant May I help you?I#39d like to reserve a table for two My wife and IYes电话订外卖英语情景对话 , sir What time would you like , sir?I#39m not sureperhaps around 8 pmFine I#39ll rese;call a takeout restaurant for meals,order in,call for food ,order food delivery for打电话叫外卖。

餐厅预定英语对话一 侍者How may I help you?能为您做点什么?迈克Yes I#39d like to reserve a table for dinner您好电话订外卖英语情景对话我想预订一张桌子吃饭侍者How big a group are you expecting?您大约有多少人?迈克Six;在世界市场形成和经济全球化程序快速发展电话订外卖英语情景对话的大背景下,作为全球通用性最强的语言英语,在各国教育中的地位持续提升电话订外卖英语情景对话我整理了 ,欢迎阅读!一 Waiter Can I take your order now,madam?您现在可以点菜了吗,太太?MayYes 。

关于点餐英语情景对话篇一 AWhat Can I get you?您需要点什么?BI#39 ll have a Cosmo please我要一杯卡兹莫酒CDude! You can#39 t order a Cosmo! That#39 s a ladies drink , you#39 re embarrasing 。


1 、关于打电话订餐的英语对话一 Christian is an international student from Costa Rica He calls a local Chinese restaurant to place an order and Bill answers the phoneBill China Wok, this is Bill, how may。

2 、英语是一种语言工具 ,学习英语的最终目标就是能利用这种工具与别人自由流畅的交流我整理了关于电话英语情景对话,欢迎阅读!关于电话英语情景对话一 AHow#39s your brother doing?A你的哥哥最近怎么样?BAs a matter of。

3、电话订餐英语口语对话 A I’d like to reserve a table for three at 700 this eveningB Let me check Hold on, pleaseYes , that’s fine Smoking or nonsmoking area A Nonsmoking , pleaseB 。

4、Molly Hello, Chunky Meat Restaurant, how may I help you?Gordon I#39d like to make a reservation for tomorrow night if possibleMolly What time will you arrive?Gordon How about a quarter to eight?Molly。

5 、如何用英语打电话订房情景对话篇CGood morning , this is the Front DeskMay i help you,sir?早上好,这是前台需要我帮忙吗 ,先生?Gyes,i#39dlike to reserve a room是的,我想要订个房间 CThank you ,Sir。

下面是我整理的电话 英语情景对话 ,以供大家学习参考抱歉这么晚打来的说法1 Irsquom sorry to call you so late 对不起这么晚打电话来2 I hope I didnrsquot catch you at a bad time 抱歉;1 Clerk接电话的职员Me我ClerkHello,this is Susanin***餐厅名How may I helpyou?职员你好 ,我是***餐厅的Susan,请问有什么可以帮您?I make a reservation forbrunchlunchdinner tomorrow?我你好 。

餐厅点菜情景英文对话篇1 a waiter, a table for two , please服务生 ,请给我一张两人的桌子b yes, this way please好的,请跟我来a can we see the menu , please?能让我们看一看菜单吗?b here you;随着国际化社会的逐步形成,英语国际地位确立在市场经济不断深入发展的情势下,教育部一系列政策的相继出台 ,将英语课程的学习提前至小学三年级,以及奥运会世博会等事件的推动,激发了少儿英语学习的热情我精心收集了 ,供大家。

关于点餐的英语对话篇1 Steven is calling a restaurant for booking a table史蒂文正在给一家酒店打电话预订餐桌Clerk This is Hilton Hotel Can I help you?职员这里是希尔顿饭店,请问您有什么需要?Steven Yes。