
1 、I eat bread every morning用一般现在时,eat原形;My breakfast usually are piece of breadtoast , cup of milk and a egg希望能帮助你*^__^*互相帮助 ,互相学习助人为乐为快乐之本本人小喵,回答适当昨天早上我吃了面包英语翻译的话请楼主尽快选择采纳~;I have bread for breakfast, milk and an egg , at lunch, I eat chicken, rice and fruit juice , for supper, I eat eggs fried rice After a meal to eat some fruit;我吃昨天早上我吃了面包英语翻译了一些面包,英语是I had some bread;Yesterday we eat bread用有道翻译 ,很好的在线翻译工具;早上我六点起床吃了面包和牛奶,然后坐了公交车去学校用英语表达I got up at six in the morning to eat bread and drink milk, and then took the bus to school注完全没有问题 ,希望帮助到您请及时点击 。

2 、I ate a piece of bread in the morning需要说明的是这件事情已经发生过了,所以eat吃要用过去式ate;As a breakfast I eat an egg,some bread and a glass of milkAs lunch I eat a bowl of rice ,some meat and some vegetablesAs dinner I eat a bowl of rice ,some vegetables and some chickenBefore you go 。

3、I haveeat bread and drink milk for breakfast祝你学习进步,更上一层楼请记得采纳,谢谢*^__^*;在早上我吃面包和牛奶用英语说I have bread and milk for breakfast every morning更多例句如下At breakfast , I drink milk and have a piece of bread and an egg在吃早餐的时候,我喝牛奶,吃一块面包和一个。

4、have some bread ,英 h#230v s#601m bred 美 h#230v s#601m bred意思是吃些面包吃点面包例如I have some bread and milk 我吃了一些面包和牛奶;banana and apple,because I don#39t want to get fatThis is my three meals a day diet我是xxx,我早上吃面包与牛奶 ,因为它很健康中午我喜欢吃鸡肉汉堡包和米饭,因为它们很好吃晚上我喜欢吃一些水果,我吃草莓。

5 、I ate little candy tomorw ,but l ate a little bread;In the morning,my breakfast is drinking milk and eating bread;英语翻译很重要的一点是要看语境,或者夸张点说 ,你可以不知道单词本身的意思 ,但是你离不开语境从这句话来看,似乎有和吃都能讲得通假设下,what do u usually have for breakfast? _i have bread此处表示吃wha 。