
1 、一金山词霸 软件具有在线翻译在线词典英语口语英语学习资料汉语词典中英对话翻译 ,金山词霸下载等服务中英对话翻译,致力于为您提供优质权威的在线英语服务二网易有道 是免费中英文翻译软件中英对话翻译,实时收录最新词汇 ,原声音频视频例句,五国语言全文中英对话翻译;对话中英文翻译1 中英对话翻译我能照顾自己 I Can Take Care of Myself Last night, my parents told me that they needed to go out for work at night , so they couldn’t cook for me , they asked me to live with my grandparents;原文行么Enter ROMEO ROMEO He jests at scars that never felt a woundJULIET appears above at a window But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?It is the east, and Juliet is the sunArise 。

2、1首先在我们的手机桌面上找到微信并点击它 ,2然后随便点击一好友对话框,3接着在输入处随便输入一串英文字符并点击发送,4然后长按这段字符并点击翻译 ,5这样我们就把英文翻译成中文了;A Oh really? How was the game?B It has been a tough one, the opponent team was pretty strongA So did your team win?B Of course, we are the best players from the school team!A That is;1Wow!So many kinds of clothes here ,and thay#39re on sale actually!2Then lat#39s have a look!3Excuse meWhat can I do for you?1I#39d like to buy a skirt that in fashion and not ,yes;PART4今天我们要为大家介绍一些以环保为话题的单词和对话,希望大家将来可以用到today we#39re gonna introduce some words and dialogues about environmental protection to everybody ,and hope u guys could use #39em in;这真是我老老实实的翻译出来的,希望能帮上忙A Hi, it#39s been a long time , how are you? You look a bit tiredB It#39s really been a long time I#39m looking for a job recently but it#39s really。

3、亲爱的翻译官app也支持拍照翻译 ,对话翻译,还有独特的倾听翻译,对方讲话手机会不断的听而且不会出声打扰对方戴上耳机就可以自动听到声音了 ,自己要回答对方时讲中文会自动翻译播报对方语言非常好用,建议试试另外如果;上网搜的,楼主可以自己节选想要查别的方面的 ,楼主可以去搜这个大家说英语流行口语对话Talking About Sports 谈论体育运动 i AIs the Chinese team taking the lead?A是中国队领先吗BNo,it#39s the Ja;Yesterday, I neighbor张伯伯birthday , but his children do not have toB Really? It is not very upset about why张伯伯A yes ah, nobody helped him to sing the birthday songB That#39s so bed! His。

4 、A“嘿,最近过得怎么样 ”How are you getting on?B“我过得很好 ,你呢”Pretty wellAnd you?A“我也是” Me too B“那你那个六岁的表妹呢她过得怎样 ”How about your 6tear;A Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the zoo?打扰了,你能告诉我怎么去动物园吗B Sorry , I don’t knowI’m new here Please ask that girl对不起我不知道我是新来的请问;关于购物英文小对话带翻译一 A I think I prefer the blue one if itrsquos not too much trouble如果不太麻烦的话 ,我想要那件蓝色的BNot at all Irsquoll get it for you Here you are;1腾讯翻译君 是腾讯出品的实时语音对话翻译软件,支持中英日韩等多国语言可以满足口语练习办公查询出国旅游的需求它的界面极简,基佬紫为主基调 ,图标样式采用了流行的扁平化样式,除了基本的翻译功能外还支持拍照翻译;语音翻译器,它是一款专业的手机在线翻译软件 ,支持语音翻译和文本翻译两种模式,并且都支持中文外语互译功能,至于楼主你要的带读音功能 ,这款软件也有,支持男声女声语音播放,个人使用后的感觉挺不错的 中英文翻译操作步骤 1首先我们打开;中英互译翻译软件有百度翻译有道翻译官Google翻译金山词霸网易有道词典1百度翻译支持英语等多种语言翻中 ,拍照语音对话这两种翻译方式可以实现中英互译,翻译准确达意除了翻译功能外,这 。