
应该不可以 乍看之下是我和她年龄比较我和她年龄一样大英语翻译 ,其实是我的年龄和她的年龄相比较 所以应该是I#39m as old as her 。

我和我和她年龄一样大英语翻译他年龄一样大 My age is as old as him 满意请采纳,谢谢。

问题八我和她年龄一样大 英语怎么翻译 应该不可以 乍看之下是我和她年龄比较,其实是我的年龄和她的年龄相比较 所以应该是I#39m as old as her 问题九现在和以前大不一样了用英语怎么说 It#39s never the。

非常中国式的英文 ,你这么说美国人未必会明白你想说什么你应该说 I have the same age with him 你那句话翻译成中文是 我的年龄跟他是一样的 。

She is 14 years old,the same age as me如果是口语的话,可以这样表达。

think about this movie?我和她年龄一样大 I am as old as she比起去商店购物 ,我更喜欢网上购物I prefer to shopping online rather than shop at offline store 我为你们感到骄傲I am proud of you。

We are at the same age,but we are living in such different evironments 。

Lucy is as old as Lily,10 ,Lucy and Lily of the same age ,1,Lucy and lily are in the same age,1 ,Lucy and Lily have the same age或者更地道些Luck is at the same age of Lily‘sat the age。

初二句子Jane和Mary的年龄一样大的翻译jane is as old as maryjane and mary are the same age 这两种用法都可以,任你选用。

jane is as old as maryjane and mary are the same age 这两种用法都可以,任你选用 。

When I was in your age , I had retired from army 。

You are both the same age祝你学习进步,更上一层楼请记得采纳,谢谢*^__^*。